Love knows no boundaries.
Your Loved ones in Heaven are closer than you think.
They are with you every second of every day. R.W.
How to book a Reading
Private Reading via phone..
Cost: $185 , $50 for an additional person. Phone Readings are limited to 3 ppl
Zoom Reading (Loved ones or Animals (video) $245 for one person, $50 for each additional person.
During the Reading we can communicate with as many Loved ones or Animals passed or "living" as we can fit in the Reading.
A recording is included.
Cost of a Private Reading in person will vary depending on travel.
Private Gatherings vary on how many people plan on attending and travel, please contact for quote.
Zelle (prefered) reachingoutrobertwelch@gmail.com
Venmo Robert-welch-64
Paypal reachingoutrobertwelch@gmail.com
or by check. Please make checks out to Robert Welch.
Send to: Robert Welch
PO box 1036
Snowflake Az 85937.
Please send your contact information to; Reachingoutrobertwelch@Gmail.com . Once payment is received, Robert will contact you to set up a time for a reading. Blessings!

Through God all things are possible
Demystifying your Reading
If you are interested in a reading, here is some information on what to expect...
I would like to share my beliefs, God is my “Rock“. What I would like to show is that our loved ones are giving us signs every day. I do not do “future” readings. I do not do “relationship” readings.
I simply relay what our loved ones are saying. My goal is to demystify where our Loved ones go when they pass. They continue to Love us. Heavenly Love has no boundaries. Our loved ones are giving us signs every day.
During the Reading your loved ones will validate themselves in your life. My gift is to show people that our loved ones who have passed, are actually with us! They are trying to help us better our lives. If you allow them, they will make incredible changes in your life. This I have seen over and over.
Sometimes we feel so alone in life. But we're not! We are surrounded by God, our Angels, our loved ones who have passed, and yes, even our Heavenly pets!
I have been told by many loved ones in Heaven that they never left our side. They say they have been with us every second of every day, loving us every moment.
Some things may not make sense at the time of your Reading. This is why all Readings are recorded, so you can go back and listen again. After a reading many people tell me they feel like a huge weight has been lifted. They have found peace in knowing that their loved ones are in Heaven and are a part of their lives, and they will be forever.